Wednesday, December 26, 2012

First fire fail

Parker was super nice to offer to make a fire for me. It was the first night this whole year that it was going to freeze so we thought it would be fitting.

Parker got all the fixings for the fire and the Eagle Scout in him set up a great looking fire. Here he is working away! Don't you like our fireplace by the way?
Pretty fire with the stockings hung with care.
What we did not think of was how the house would smell after we made the fire with wood from the backyard. So although the fire was gorgeous and we enjoyed it, it also STANK!!!! So three weeks later our house still smells like fire and we will not be setting a real fire in there again. At least until we can figure out how to make sure the house will not stink after we have one.

Any thoughts?


  1. Has the chimney been swept recently? It might need a cleaning, perhaps?

  2. You are probably right. We dont know when the last time was it was cleaned. I think we will have to have someone come out and take a look at it. I was suprised at how bad the smell was. I used to have fires in our fireplace when I was a kid all the time and it was never like that! Thanks for the idea!
